Better Tuition Academy Turns Late Payments into On-Time Revenue with Paidnice & Pinch

Victor, from Better Tuition Academy, transformed their accounts receivable process with Paidnice, saving hours of time and improving cash flow for their growing business of 700 students and 120 staff.
Better Tuition Academy
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Better Tuition Academy, a tutoring service in Australia, was facing a common but critical challenge: late payments and non-payments from clients. With about 700 students and 120 staff, managing accounts receivable had become a significant drain on resources and a barrier to growth.

The Headache: Manual Invoice Chasing and Late Payments

Before discovering Paidnice, Victor, the Chief Marketing Officer and Accounts Manager, was spending two to three hours each week on the tedious task of chasing payments. "Following up invoices and accounts is not a very fun task, if I'm being honest," Victor admits. "It's all a massive time suck."

The situation had become so dire with one particularly difficult client that staff were reluctant to follow up at all. It was clear that a more efficient approach was needed.

Seeking Automation: The Search for a Solution

Determined to find a better way, Victor turned to Xero for recommendations and discovered Paidnice. The automated email and SMS reminders, along with the ability to set business hours for notifications, immediately caught his attention.

Paidnice: The Time-Saving Game-Changer

Victor was impressed by several key features that addressed Better Tuition Academy's specific needs:

  1. Automated Email Reminders: Sent at customizable intervals during business hours.
  2. SMS Templates: Providing a double reminder system for clients.
  3. Late Fee Notifications: Informing customers when penalty fees will be applied.
  4. Integration with Pinch: Offering a seamless payment experience for clients.

The Impact: From Time Sink to Growth Engine

The implementation of Paidnice transformed Better Tuition Academy's operations:

  1. Victor reclaimed 3-4 hours every fortnight previously spent on chasing payments.
  2. The automated system allows the business to grow without worrying about managing an increasing number of late payments.
  3. The combination of reminders and late fees significantly reduced the number of late payments.
  4. Victor no longer feels like "the bad guy," and can use fee waivers as a negotiation tool.

The Power of Paidnice and Pinch

The integration between Paidnice and Pinch, their payment processor, has streamlined the entire accounts receivable process. Clients can now pay directly through a single portal, making the process simpler and more efficient.

The Bottom Line: Paidnice is a Must-Have for Growing Businesses

For Victor, the value of Paidnice is clear: "It's worthwhile. What you're paying, you're getting back in penalty fees and also in time." The automated system has not only saved time but also improved the overall financial health of the business.

Victor's advice to other businesses? "Definitely give it a go. There's nothing to lose here. The value is huge in terms of the monthly subscription cost. It definitely helps out if you're new to it or if you've been doing accounts receivable for a while. It's definitely something that will streamline the process and make life a lot easier for you."
How much are late payments costing you?

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"Paidnice has completely flipped the script. I used to dread being the 'collections guy,' but now I feel like I'm actually helping our clients stay on track."

Victor Chen

Better Tuition Academy

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