Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis Tool | Professional AR Management

Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis Tool

Analyze aging trends, assess collection risk, and develop effective AR management strategies

Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis Tool — Professional AR analysis to optimize cash flow:

  • Analyze aging by time bucket: 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, and 120+ days
  • Calculate aging percentages to benchmark against industry standards
  • Visualize your aging distribution with interactive charts
  • Generate a comprehensive AR health assessment with risk metrics

Our advanced AR aging analysis tool helps finance professionals identify collection issues, quantify bad debt risk, and implement targeted AR strategies.

Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis Tool


Total outstanding accounts receivable balance


Receivables less than 30 days old


Receivables 31-60 days old


Receivables 61-90 days old


Receivables 91-120 days old


Receivables more than 120 days old

Automate your accounts receivable process with Paidnice

Advanced AR aging analysis tools integrated with your accounting system

Reduce overdue receivables by up to 40% with intelligent collection workflows

Seamless integration with Xero and QuickBooks for real-time AR analysis

The Complete Guide to Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis

What is Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis?

Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis is a financial management technique that categorizes a company's outstanding customer invoices based on the length of time they've been unpaid. This analytical tool gives finance professionals critical insights into collection efficiency, customer payment behavior, and potential cash flow issues.

A proper AR aging analysis typically organizes receivables into standardized "time buckets" or aging categories:

  • Current/0-30 days: Recently issued invoices still within standard payment terms
  • 31-60 days: Invoices beginning to become overdue, requiring initial follow-up
  • 61-90 days: Significantly overdue invoices requiring escalated collection efforts
  • 91-120 days: Seriously delinquent invoices with elevated collection risk
  • Over 120 days: Severely delinquent invoices with high risk of becoming uncollectible
Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis Formula:

Aging Percentage = (Amount in Aging Category / Total Accounts Receivable) × 100

For example, if your aging analysis shows $50,000 in total accounts receivable and $5,000 is in the 61-90 days category:

61-90 Days Percentage = ($5,000 / $50,000) × 100 = 10%

Why Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis Is Essential for Finance Teams

Cash Flow Forecasting

AR aging analysis provides critical data for predicting future cash inflows by showing when customer payments are likely to be received. This visibility helps finance teams plan operating expenses, capital expenditures, and debt payments with greater accuracy.

Credit Risk Management

By analyzing how long specific customers' invoices remain unpaid, finance teams can identify high-risk accounts, adjust credit terms, and implement more stringent collection procedures for problematic customers.

Collection Efficiency Assessment

A comprehensive aging analysis reveals the effectiveness of your AR management processes. Trends in aging percentages over time can highlight issues with billing procedures, collection efforts, or indicate broader economic challenges.

Bad Debt Prevention

The aging analysis tool helps identify potential bad debts before they become uncollectible. As receivables age beyond 90 days, their collectibility decreases significantly, making early intervention critical.

Interpreting Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis Results

Low Risk Profile Healthy

When your aging analysis shows less than 10% of receivables over 60 days old, your collection process is functioning effectively. Most customers are paying within terms or with minimal delay, indicating strong AR management.

Medium Risk Profile Caution

When aging analysis reveals 10-25% of receivables over 60 days old, there's cause for concern. This indicates potential issues that require review of collection procedures and more proactive follow-up strategies.

High Risk Profile Alert

When aging analysis shows over 25% of receivables are 60+ days old, immediate action is required. This indicates serious collection issues that could significantly impact cash flow and financial stability.

Best Practices for Conducting Effective Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis

1. Regular Analysis Schedule

  • Conduct aging analysis weekly or bi-weekly to identify trends early
  • Compare current analysis results against previous periods to identify patterns
  • Schedule review meetings with finance team to discuss aging metrics

2. Segmented Analysis

  • Analyze aging by customer category, industry, or product line
  • Identify specific customer segments with persistent payment issues
  • Focus collection efforts on highest-value overdue accounts

3. Establish Performance Benchmarks

  • Create industry-specific aging target percentages for each bucket
  • Set maximum thresholds for seriously overdue categories
  • Develop collection efficiency KPIs based on aging analysis

4. Implement Tiered Collection Strategies

  • Develop specific action plans for each aging category
  • Create escalation procedures as invoices move through aging buckets
  • Customize collection approaches based on customer value and history

Using Excel for Advanced Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis

Microsoft Excel provides powerful tools for creating and analyzing detailed accounts receivable aging reports. Here's how to set up a comprehensive aging analysis tool in Excel:

  1. Create a Structured Template: Set up column headers including Customer ID, Customer Name, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Due Date, Invoice Amount, and separate columns for each aging category (Current, 1-30 Days, 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, 91-120 Days, Over 120 Days)
  2. Enter Invoice Data: List all outstanding invoices with their relevant information
  3. Implement Automated Aging Formulas: Use IF statements and DATEDIF functions to automatically categorize invoices based on their age relative to the current date
  4. Create Summary Analytics: Set up summary sections that:
    • Calculate totals for each aging category
    • Compute percentages of total AR for each bucket
    • Track trends with week-over-week or month-over-month comparisons
  5. Add Visualization Components: Create charts and graphs to visually represent:
    • Aging distribution pie chart
    • Trend analysis of aging categories over time
    • Customer-specific aging breakdowns

For advanced analysis, consider using pivot tables to dynamically analyze aging by various dimensions such as customer segment, geographic region, product line, or sales representative to identify patterns in late payments.

Frequently Asked Questions About Accounts Receivable Aging Analysis

What is the formula for accounts receivable aging analysis?

The fundamental formula used in accounts receivable aging analysis is:

Aging Percentage = (Amount in Aging Category / Total Accounts Receivable) × 100

This formula is applied to each aging time bucket to calculate what percentage of your total receivables falls into each age category. These percentages provide critical insights into your collection efficiency and AR health. For example:

Current (0-30 days) Percentage = (Current AR / Total AR) × 100
31-60 Days Percentage = (31-60 Days AR / Total AR) × 100
And so on for each aging category

What is the accounts receivable aging schedule or report?

An accounts receivable aging schedule (also called an aging report) is a financial analysis tool that categorizes outstanding customer invoices based on the length of time they've been unpaid. This analytical report provides a structured view of AR broken down into standardized time intervals:

  • Current (0-30 days)
  • 31-60 days past due
  • 61-90 days past due
  • 91-120 days past due
  • Over 120 days past due

The aging schedule can be prepared in different formats:

  • Customer-Specific Aging: Shows the aging breakdown for each individual customer
  • Invoice-Level Aging: Lists each outstanding invoice with its respective age
  • Summary Aging Analysis: Provides aggregated totals and percentages for each aging category

Finance professionals use this analytical report to assess collection efficiency, identify problem accounts, and implement appropriate follow-up actions based on the age of receivables.

What is considered a good accounts receivable aging analysis result?

A good accounts receivable aging analysis result varies by industry, but generally follows these benchmarks:

  • Current (0-30 days): 75-85% or more of total receivables
  • 31-60 days: 10-15% of total receivables
  • 61-90 days: 5-7% of total receivables
  • 91-120 days: 2-3% of total receivables
  • Over 120 days: Less than 2% of total receivables

Comprehensive aging analysis should show these key indicators of AR health:

  • Less than 20% of receivables beyond 60 days old
  • Declining percentage in older aging buckets over time
  • Average age of receivables within your standard payment terms plus 15-20 days
  • Consistency across customer segments and minimal concentrations of old receivables

Industries with longer standard payment terms (such as healthcare, construction, or government contracting) may have different benchmarks than retail or service businesses with shorter terms.

How do you manage accounts receivable aging effectively?

Effective management of accounts receivable aging involves a systematic approach:

  1. Regular Aging Analysis:
    • Conduct weekly aging analysis reviews
    • Compare current analysis to previous periods to identify trends
    • Set up automated aging reports from your accounting system
  2. Structured Collection Strategy:
    • Implement a tiered collection approach based on aging categories
    • 30-60 days: Email reminders and friendly phone calls
    • 61-90 days: More urgent communications and escalation to management
    • 90+ days: Formal collection letters, potential payment plans, or third-party collection consideration
  3. Proactive Credit Management:
    • Review credit limits for customers with consistently poor aging profiles
    • Implement credit holds for accounts with significant overdue balances
    • Conduct regular credit reviews based on aging analysis insights
  4. Process Optimization:
    • Address invoicing errors or disputes quickly to prevent aging issues
    • Offer multiple payment methods to facilitate faster collections
    • Consider early payment incentives for chronically late customers
  5. Performance Monitoring:
    • Establish KPIs based on aging analysis metrics
    • Track collection effectiveness by aging category
    • Hold regular meetings to review aging trends and address issues
How is the aging of accounts receivable calculated in a professional analysis?

In professional accounts receivable aging analysis, calculation involves several methodical steps:

  1. Determine the Reference Date: Typically the current date or the date of analysis
  2. Calculate Invoice Age: Subtract invoice date (or due date, depending on company policy) from the reference date
  3. Classify By Age: Categorize each invoice into the appropriate aging bucket based on calculated age
  4. Sum Category Totals: Add up all invoice amounts within each aging category
  5. Calculate Percentages: Divide each category total by the total accounts receivable balance and multiply by 100
  6. Compute Weighted Metrics: Calculate weighted averages such as average days outstanding by multiplying each category's percentage by the midpoint of its day range

Advanced aging analysis may include additional calculations:

  • DSO by Aging Category: Days Sales Outstanding calculated for each aging bucket
  • Collection Effectiveness Index: Comparing what was collected versus what was available to collect
  • Bad Debt Risk Exposure: Applying increasing risk percentages to older aging categories
  • Customer-Specific Aging Metrics: Average days to pay by customer, frequency of late payment, etc.

Most enterprise accounting systems and ERP platforms automate these calculations, but they can also be performed manually using spreadsheet programs with the appropriate formulas.

This accounts receivable aging analysis tool provides a comprehensive evaluation based on the information provided. For professional guidance on accounts receivable management, consider Paidnice's automated collection solutions.