What is an Aging Report? A Critical Tool for Finance Teams

3 Minutes
October 11, 2024
Denym Bird
CEO of Paidnice

Did you know that over 50% of small businesses experience late payments, causing cash flow crunches that can cripple operations?

One of the most powerful tools to ensure your business stays financially stable is the aging report—a simple yet effective way to track overdue payments and manage receivables.

This guide will walk you through the essentials of an aging report, why it’s crucial for safeguarding your financial health, and how you can create one.

Plus, we’ll explore real-world examples of how businesses have used aging reports to unlock trapped cash and reduce outstanding debts.

What is an Aging Report?

An aging report, also known as an accounts receivable aging report, which will summarize all customer invoices that have not been paid yet according to the date they became due.

It also further classifies the outstanding receivables into intervals of time, such as 0-30 days, 31-60 days, and over 90 days.

While simple in sound, the aging report provides valuable insights that help businesses:

  • Assess cash flow health
  • Identify risky accounts
  • Improve collection processes

Key Features of Aging Reports:

  • Invoice Categorization: Outstanding invoices listed according to age.
  • Customer Information: This would also include the details like the name of the customer, amount due, and the contact information.
  • Payment Status: Marks overdue amounts and upcoming due dates.
An example of an aging report showing outstanding balances from three companies—Apple, Netflix, and Google. The report categorizes amounts due into time intervals: 'Current,' '1-30 days,' '31-60 days,' '61-90 days,' and '91+ days.' Apple has $5,000 current and $3,000 overdue between 61-90 days. Netflix has $7,000 overdue in the 1-30 day range and $500 overdue in the 31-60 day range. Google has $8,500 overdue between 31-60 days and $3,500 overdue for more than 91 days. The total outstanding amount across all companies is $27,500.
An example of an aging report that breaks down outstanding invoices by customer and overdue time periods. Aging reports like this help businesses track which clients have overdue payments, making it easier to prioritize follow-ups and manage cash flow effectively.

Why are the aging reports so important?

Accurate aging reports give a very clear view of the health of cash flow in your business. It is, therefore, a great way to make sure that receivables are managed. Here's how it can help:

  • Identify problem accounts: An aging report highlights which accounts are always late. This way, you can do something about it and keep bad debt from building up.
  • Enhance Collections: Get aging reports showing which customers require follow-up action, such as sending reminders or escalating to collections agencies.
  • Improve Cash Flow: As aging reports ensure good inflow by encouraging timely payments from customers.
  • Better credit decisions: They also evaluate some clients who are trustworthy to enable you to make a decision on whether to extend credit in the future.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Prepare an Aging Report

Here’s how one can come up with a reliable aging report:

1. Extract Data from Your Accounting System

Most accounting software, be it Xero or QuickBooks, will literally let you create an aging report in very few clicks. Choose the date range, and voila-export your report.

2. Group Invoices by Age

Next, group your outstanding invoices by the following age categories:

  • 0-30 days: Recently due or current.
  • 31-60 days: Slightly overdue.
  • 61-90 days: Moderately overdue.
  • 90+ days: High-risk accounts that need immediate attention.

3. Add Customer Contact Information

Include telephone numbers and email addresses through which your collection team can immediately get in touch with overdue clients.

4. Data Analysis

Look for patterns, such as customers who keep showing up regularly in the 61 to 90- or 90+-day brackets. These could be your high-risk clients that may call for additional follow-up actions such as late payment penalties, or even credit limits.

Pro Tip: Also, to be more precise, allow your aging report to include unused credit memos. This is important, as it might affect an actual receivables total if not considered.

How the aging reports improve the efficiency of account receivables

When deployed usefully, aging reports simplify and inform your accounts receivable process in several ways:

1. Tellng You to Schedule Automated Reminders and Follow-ups

You can automate an email or SMS payment reminder for different aging categories. When accounts reach certain milestones, such as 60 days overdue, trigger escalations or late fees.

2. Detecting an Increase in Late Payment

Prepare a report to automatically escalate any overdue account. After 90 days, consider offering a payment plan or referring an account to a collection agency.

3. Finding the Perfect time to Impose Late Fees

If you have not already, an aging report gives a clear business case for implementing late fees. Many businesses will receive an improved payment timeline when there is a financial consequence.

One of our customers, 3IT Consulting reduced their late-paying customers by 60% after using their aging reports to inform the timing and pace of reminders and automate late fees.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do aging reports help in cash flow forecasting?
Of course, they do. They give insight into how much of your cash is tied in receivables so you could actually plan for deficiency shortfalls. Proper forecasting will ensure that you have adequate liquidity to operate the business based on estimated operational expenses.

How is an aging report acted upon?
Create a workflow for prioritizing high-risk accounts. Trigger automated email and SMS reminders to follow up with clients the moment when the invoices become overdue.

Are aging reports only applied to accounts receivable?
No. Aging reports also show accounts payable, highlighting how long payments have been owed to vendors.

Final word: Maximize Cash Flow with Aging Reports

An aging report is far more than a list of overdue invoices; it has the potential to serve as a real game-changer in transforming cash flow and the whole process concerning the accounts receivable.

Reviewing your aging report on a regular basis will tell you well in advance about impending late payments so that you can maintain a healthier financial outlook.

Ready to take a lot of the headache out of an accounts receivables process? If it is time to collect faster, perhaps it's time to consiering using Paidnice as your primary AR automation.

You've earned the money; now unlock it with automated late fees, payment reminders, and more.

Denym Bird
CEO of Paidnice
Denym is a software entrepreneur and writes about accounts receivables management for small business.
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