5 Must-Track Accounts Receivable KPIs for Small Business

September 13, 2023
Denym Bird
CEO of Paidnice

In today's competitive landscape, small businesses must optimize every function to succeed. One often-overlooked area is accounts receivable management. By employing the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), you can effectively measure, analyze, and enhance this critical financial function.

This blog aims to demystify the top five accounts receivable KPIs that every small business owner, accountant, and bookkeeper should be monitoring.

Why KPIs Matter

Ignoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in accounts receivable is akin to sailing a ship without a compass; you're at the mercy of the winds with no strategic direction.

When KPIs are absent, you may overlook an increasing number of late payments, only realizing there's a problem when cash flow has already been severely affected. Or, you might miss that a long-standing client has started delaying payments, signaling potential financial instability or dissatisfaction with your services.

KPIs act as your financial pulse check. They allow you to proactively manage potential problems, optimize your credit policies, and negotiate better terms with customers before minor issues escalate into major crises.

By tracking the right metrics, you're not just collecting debts; you're contributing strategically to your business's financial sustainability.

🎯 1 - Days Sales Outstanding (DSO)

Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) measures the average number of days it takes for your business to collect payment after making a sale. It provides a snapshot of the effectiveness of your collections process.

Why Days Sales Outstanding is important for small business

For small businesses, cash is king. A lower DSO means you're collecting payments more quickly, improving your cash flow and your ability to cover operational costs. Conversely, a high DSO may indicate inefficiencies in your collections process, potentially tying up capital that could be used elsewhere.

How to Calculate Days Sales Outstanding (DSO)

To calculate DSO, use the following formula:

🎯 2 - Turnover Ratio

The Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio measures how effectively your business is converting its accounts receivable into cash. It's calculated by dividing net credit sales by average accounts receivable for a specific period.

Why Turnover Ratio is important for small business

A higher Turnover Ratio indicates that you're turning your receivables into cash more quickly, which is generally positive for your business. It suggests that you're managing your receivables efficiently, which can enhance liquidity and make your operation more agile.

How to Calculate Turnover Ratio

To calculate the Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio, use the following formula:

🎯 3 - Aging Accounts Receivable

The Aging Accounts Receivable KPI categorizes accounts receivable by the length of time an invoice has been outstanding. This is often broken down into "age buckets" such as 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, etc.

Why Aging Accounts Receivable is important for small business

Aging Accounts Receivable helps you identify potentially problematic customers who are consistently late with payments. It allows you to act proactively by sending reminders or initiating collection procedures for long-overdue accounts. This KPI provides nuanced insights into customer payment behavior, which is invaluable for maintaining healthy cash flows.

How to Calculate Aging Accounts Receivable

Use your accounts receivable ledger to categorize outstanding invoices into age buckets. Most accounting software (such as Xero or QuickBooks) can generate an aging report for you.

🎯 4 - Collection Effectiveness Index (CEI)

The Collection Effectiveness Index (CEI) quantifies the effectiveness of your collections efforts over a specific period, often a year or a quarter.

Why the Collection Effectiveness Index (CEI) is important for small business

A high CEI indicates efficient collections processes, meaning you're recovering nearly all the money that's owed to you within the analyzed time frame. A low CEI points to the opposite, signaling that there may be room for improvement in your collections procedures.

How to Calculate Collection Effectiveness Index (CEI)

To calculate CEI, use the following formula:

🎯 5 - Percentage of Outstanding Invoices

The Percentage of Outstanding Invoices KPI represents the ratio of unpaid invoices to the total number of invoices, usually expressed as a percentage.

Why measuring Percentage of Outstanding Invoices is important for small business

A high percentage suggests that you may have issues with your collections process, customer quality, or payment terms, which could lead to cash flow problems. Monitoring this KPI allows you to quickly spot trends in unpaid invoices, giving you the opportunity to intervene before the situation worsens.

How to Calculate the Percentage of Outstanding Invoices

To calculate the Percentage of Outstanding Invoices, use the following formula:

How to Monitor These KPIs

Effectively monitoring your accounts receivable KPIs is crucial for actionable insights. Here are concrete steps to implement each monitoring method:

By using your Accounting Software

  • Action: Choose accounting software that includes built-in KPI tracking.
  • Example: QuickBooks and Xero offer customizable reports that can include your specific KPIs.

By creating Custom Dashboards

  • Action: Use dashboard-building platforms to create your own KPI dashboard.
  • Example: Platforms like Tableau or Google Data Studio allow you to integrate with your accounting software and display real-time KPI updates.

By Manual Tracking them

  • Action: Create an Excel spreadsheet dedicated to KPI tracking.
  • Example: Use the formulas shared in this article for each KPI and update them weekly or monthly. Use Excel's graphing tools to visualize trends.

Performing Regular Audits

  • Action: Schedule periodic audits in your calendar to ensure data accuracy.
  • Example: At the end of each month, compare the KPI data from your tracking method against your original accounts receivable records to spot any discrepancies.

By using Paidnice

  • Action: Utilize Paidnice as an all-in-one platform for tracking your accounts receivable KPIs.
  • Example: Sign up for a Paidnice account and integrate it with your existing accounting software. Paidnice offers real-time KPI tracking and analytics, eliminating the need for manual calculations or separate dashboards.

By taking these actionable steps, you ensure that you are not just collecting data but actively using it to make informed business decisions.

Take Control of Your Accounts Receivable Today

You've learned about five key KPIs crucial for managing your accounts receivable effectively:

  • Days Sales Outstanding (DSO)
  • Turnover Ratio
  • Aging Accounts Receivable
  • Collection Effectiveness Index (CEI)
  • Percentage of Outstanding Invoices

Not only do these metrics offer invaluable insights into your collections process and customer payment behavior, but they also serve as the foundation for maintaining healthy cash flows.

Monitoring these KPIs is easier than ever with various methods at your disposal, from built-in features in accounting software to custom dashboards, manual Excel tracking, and specialized platforms like Paidnice.

Don't Wait—Act Now: Choose your preferred method and start tracking these KPIs today. Whether you opt for advanced solutions or manual tracking, the key is to start now.

Denym Bird
CEO of Paidnice
Denym is a software entrepreneur and writes about accounts receivables management for small business.
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